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Book Connections is a companion to Teaching Books with a collection of 174,000+ digital materials about books for children and teens. Book Connections includes a reader's advisory tool, resources for homework help and homeschool support, summer reading and diverse book selections, and more.
Professional & Adult access
***Note: this access also works for TeachingBooks.
Access for Readers under 18
A version of the Explora database with resources for elementary school children. Designed for elementary school students, students can look up articles and facts for research papers, class projects, or homework from the world’s leading magazines and reference books.
A version of the Explora database with resources for grades 6-8. Explora for Middle School gives students their first real experience with the power of an online research database. In addition to magazine and journal articles, newspaper articles, and reference book articles, Explora includes primary source documents and media broadcast transcripts.
Explora for Public Libraries is EBSCO’s interface designed for public library patrons. Users can browse topics of interest or search for a topic of their choice. A simple search that quickly delivers relevant results including articles, essays, and primary source documents.