Literature Databases

Book Connections

Book Connections is a companion to Teaching Books with a collection of 174,000+ digital materials about books for children and teens. Book Connections includes a reader's advisory tool, resources for homework help and homeschool support, summer reading and diverse book selections, and more.

Professional & Adult access

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your work email, click 'Sign In,' and follow the prompts***

***Note: this access also works for TeachingBooks.

Access for Readers under 18

  1. Go to
  2. Click 'Sign In' and enter your library card and state
NoveList K-8

NoveList K-8 Plus is a database of book recommendations geared specifically for younger readers. NoveList K-8 Plus helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests, including picture books, children's "chapter" books,  and younger teen titles.

NoveList Plus

Looking for the perfect book? Whether you need to find the next book in a series or find an author who is a lot like your favorite author, NoveList Plus has got you covered! Find author read-alikes, book discussion guides, and "Grab and Go" book lists to help you find that just right book quickly and easily.

TeachingBooks Logo

TeachingBooks is a database of resources for children's and young adult books and their authors and illustrators. Use TeachingBooks to search titles, authors and illustrators, and find resources to engage readers. The resource collection includes short movies, audio book readings, book discussion guides, and more.

Sign in to TeachingBooks by entering the following username and password:

username: buenapark

password: teachingbooksK12library